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Start Up Linkedin Cover Template

LinkedIn Cover


Design details

Step into the spotlight of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit with the 'Launch Your Ideas' LinkedIn cover template. This design is a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned professionals alike, featuring a fresh, lime green background that symbolizes growth and creativity. A central image captures a moment of inspiration, while the bold statement 'LAUNCH YOUR IDEAS' promises viewers a journey into the world of start-up success. It's an ideal template for online educators, incubators, or innovation hubs offering new courses or resources for business development.

Utilize the versatility of Linearity Curve to tailor this template to your brand's narrative. Insert your logo to anchor the design, customize the central image to feature your course instructors or success stories, and modify the color scheme to align with your corporate identity. For added engagement, Linearity Move allows you to animate the design elements, perhaps with a subtle zoom on the image or pulsing action on the text, driving the message of dynamic growth.

This LinkedIn cover isn't merely a visual, it's a declaration of purpose. It's an open invitation to your network to engage with content that propels them forward. By customizing this template, you offer a glimpse into the transformative experiences your course provides. It marks the initial phase for viewers to begin a journey of learning and growth, guided by your expertise as they navigate towards new horizons in their professional endeavors.

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Marketing, Tech, Small business


Ad banners, Product Review


Photographic, Colorful, Warm

How to download Linearity Curve Templates

  • Click 'Open Template', and your chosen design will download.
  • Open the file in your Mac (or iPad) Downloads folder.
  • With Linearity Curve installed, the template appears in your Linearity Cloud Gallery.
  • No Linearity Curve yet? Create your Linearity Account and get started for free.

How to use Linearity Curve Templates

It’s important to remember that all the elements within our templates are fully customizable, so feel free to use as much or as little of the already existing layout, colors, fonts, images, and shapes as desired.
Also, leverage all our intuitive tools - Brush tool, Pen tool, Shape Builder tool, Auto Trace, Background Removal, and so much more. Let our templates be the starting point for your limitless creativity

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