
Tech App Screenshot Template

App Store Screenshots


Design details

This template is a digital showpiece, designed to put tech apps in the spotlight. With a sleek, futuristic backdrop of midnight blue and vibrant purples, it emulates the edge of innovation that tech companies strive for. Strategic lighting effects create a sense of depth, while the smart placement of mobile screens beckons users to envision their own app in the frame. It's crafted for those who aim to present their app as a cutting-edge solution.

Here's how you can tailor this template in Linearity Curve to fit your brand. Insert your app's screenshots into the phone displays, adjust the color gradients to your corporate palette, and set your own catchy headline to resonate with your target audience. Then, bring it to life with Linearity Move, animating the glow to pulse subtly, suggesting a dynamic, always-on technology.

By customizing this graphic, you're not just preparing an ad, you're preparing to launch your app into the user's world. It becomes a beacon, signaling the new and noteworthy to your audience. This is where your app transitions from a concept to a must-have, capturing the imagination of users and enticing them to download and engage.

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Product Review, Ad banners, Tech


Black, 3D Shape, Geometric

How to download Linearity Curve Templates

  • Click 'Open Template', and your chosen design will download.
  • Open the file in your Mac (or iPad) Downloads folder.
  • With Linearity Curve installed, the template appears in your Linearity Cloud Gallery.
  • No Linearity Curve yet? Create your Linearity Account and get started for free.

How to use Linearity Curve Templates

It’s important to remember that all the elements within our templates are fully customizable, so feel free to use as much or as little of the already existing layout, colors, fonts, images, and shapes as desired.
Also, leverage all our intuitive tools - Brush tool, Pen tool, Shape Builder tool, Auto Trace, Background Removal, and so much more. Let our templates be the starting point for your limitless creativity

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